
Sot u fitua legjimiteti, jo vula .


-Nga Dritan Kaba

Nuk kuptoj titujt e shkrimeve te mediave opozitare qe vazhdojne e trajtojne si pune vule vendimin e sotem. Ketu nderthurret padija me injorancen politike dhe mungesen e pergjegjesise se fjales se shkruar.

Kjo beteje ligjore edhe politike nuk ka te beje me vulen por me legjitimitetin e opozites reale ne institucionet e shtetit.

-Vendimi i sotem nuk ka te beje me vulen, por me komisionet parlamentare, per funksionimin e opozites reale ne parlament ne tavolinen qe i takon.

-Sot opozita reale mori vendin e saj ne komisionin e reformes zgjedhore
-Sot opozita reale edhe PD e vertete mori komisioneret e saj ne komisionet e zgjedhjeve dhe numeruesit e saj.
-Sot PD mori numrin e saj te llogarise bankare edhe financimet e ligjshme qe duhet te marre PD, por i merrte Luli e tallej me ato para qe i takonin demokrateve dhe aktivitetit te tyre politik duke i perdorur per udhetimet e tij private edhe kunder demokrateve.

Sot PD mori legjitimitetin perfundimtar mbi godinen e Partise dhe selise se saj politike.

-Sot PD mori ne kontroll selite zyrtare te partise ne te gjitha bashkite e Shqiperise.
-Sot PD mori kohen televizive si opozita e vertete ne Shqiperi. Minutazhin e saj ne fushaten zgjedhore.

Sot kur kerkon interpelanca i kerkon ne emer te PD dhe jo nen nje emer te percaktuar, ku i linte mundesine maxhorances edhe te tallej.

Sot mbi te gjitha me nje veprim te guximshem te gjykatesve te Apelit, PD mori ate qe i kishin marre peng.

Sot lideri i PD prof dr Sali Berisha, nuk eshte nje deputet i burgosur padrejtesisht, por eshte nje kryetar i nje partie te PPE qe eshte ne burg politik.


This legal and political battle has nothing to do with the seal, but with the legitimacy of the real opposition in state institutions.

💎Today's decision has nothing to do with the seal, but with the parliamentary commissions, for the functioning of the real opposition in the parliament at the table it belongs to.

💎Today the real opposition took its place in the electoral reform commission

💎 Today, the real opposition and the real DP got their commissioners in the election commissions and their enumerators.

💎 Today PD received her bank account number and the legal funding she should receive

💎PD, but Luli took and mocked the money that belonged to the democrats and their political activity, using it for his private trips and against the democrats.

💎 Today PD received the final legitimacy on the building of the Party and its political headquarters.
Today PD took control of the party's official headquarters in all the municipalities of Albania.

💎Today DP took the television time as the real opposition in Albania. Her minutes in the election campaign.

💎 Today PD took control of its appointment for all its representatives in parliamentary institutions from CEC, AMA, Albanian Radio and Television Steering Council, etc.

💎 Today, when he asks for interpellation, he asks for them in the name of the PD and not under a specific name, where he gave the majority the opportunity to make fun of him.

💎Today, above all, with a brave action by the judges of the Appeal, PD got what they had taken hostage.

💎 Today, it is very important for DP that it got its official place of international representation and its representation in the EPP (European People's Party)

👉🏽Today, the leader of PD, Prof Dr. Sali Berisha, is not an unjustly imprisoned MP, but he is a leader of a PPE party that is in political prison.

👉🏽Today, no stamp or journalist was taken, but the legitimacy of the Democratic Party was gained.

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